Belajar Grammar English| Contoh Materi Ajar Siswa Kelas XII SMA| Contoh Soal dan Materi Try Out SMA

Mei 24, 2019

Hallo adek/adik semuaa, puasa ga nih ceritanya? Semoga semuanya pada puasa yaa, jangan sampe motel uyyy, zaman sekarang motel?? Ga lahh yaa. Btw Miss percaya kok kalo kalian semua tetep semangat belajar English, anak bangsa Indonesia kan luar biasa semua dong, apalagi yang sering berkunjung ke halaman miss :D
Yukkss udah dulu ahh basa-basi nya .. capcusss kembaliii lagi ke… laptop. Nahhh masih ingat kan posting-postingan miss sebelumnya, bahwasannya di English ada banyak aturan-aturan (rules) yang disebut grammar. Nahh kali ini miss mau kasi ke kamu semua, beberapa aturan penggunaan dari grammar. Kamu ga perlu malu, takut atau minder, pernah salah menggunakan grammar, karena ga cuma kamu doang kok yang pernah salah. Banyakk kok,,, namanya juga belajar dari yang tidak tahu menjadi tahu.
Alright, kali ini miss mau nge posting beberapa aturan penggunaan grammar dari “a lot of”, “like”, “so”, dan “such”.  Here we go….

A lot of                       

FORM            :           a lot of + plural noun/uncountable noun

Use ‘ a lot of ‘ to indicate a large number or a large amount of something. We often use a lot of in speaking and informal writing, but it isn’t suitable for formal writing. Not a lot of can be used when there’s a small or insufficient amount of something.

-       a lot of bataknese live in Siantar Town.
-       My sister loves a lot of Korean movie.
-       My teacher spent a lot of time to gossiping.
-       a lot of tourist prefer to holiday in Lake Toba.
-       I didn’t do a lot of revision, but I passed the test..
-       a lot of people in Britain love Indian food.
-       a lot of seller traded their products in Tokopedia.
-       There’s not a lot of food in the cupboard.

I gave a lot of ____________  to my bestfriend.
a.     Cake 
b.   happiness                              
c.     Books
d.     Funny videos.

‘Like’ for similarity

FORM                        : Subject + verb + like + noun

Use ‘like’ to say that one thing is similar to another thing.  But, be careful! We use like in several ways, with different meanings. Such as : “I like a doll” has a terribly different meaning to “They be like a doll.”

-       Susan’s face be like a Barbie.
-       I think you should to pretend like an expert.
-       Please don’t be like a crazy man.
-       My handwriting is so bad. I write like a child.
-       They are singing like a boyband.
-       To catch a thief, you must to think like a thief.
-       Why my skin be like an Indian, it’s too dark. 

Please choose the correct example of using ‘like’ for similarity.
a.     We both like a coffee so we go to mini market to buy it.
b.     Your face be like a stunning view.
c.     Do you like singing?

How to use ‘So’ and ‘ Such’

FORM                        : So + adjective + that

FORM                        : Such + adjective + noun + that

Selamat belajar Adek/adik. Ohhh yaa yukk cuba-cubaa jawab beberapa soal diatass yaww. Dan kalo mau tau jawabannya boleh ask miss by email atau dikoment juga boleh kok, tp sebelumnya buat dulu jawaban kamuu, okayy? See you in next page, and have a nice day guys 😉😍

2 komentar:

  1. Cie udh jdi blogger ya 😂😂😂😂

    1. Hahaha selamat datang, jgn lupa follow+share yaa babanggg 😅😄


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