Example of Statement of Interest for PhD Admission Letter

Mei 23, 2019

July 30, 2019
Ms. Stephanie Cheel
Admissions Officer
University of  Leiden
6412 Clairmont Avenue
Netherland, GA 12827

Dear Ms. Stephanie:
I wish to apply for the Masters of Doctor of Philosophy program at the University of Leiden January 2020 session. I believe that this program will be a solid step towards obtainment of ambition in language and literature. Having seen through the course outline in detail, I found a solid parity between what it offers and my interests in language and technology.
Last year, I attained a bachelor’s degree in Department of English Education of Faculty of teaching and Training from University of HKBP Nommensen with a 3.52 GPA, and an award for my final year project, which was based on research and development work for RISETDIKTI. Not only did I receive accolades for it but the subject of my project (RISETDIKTI) asked for a quote for acquiring the research. Also, I have ever made an e-book about ‘how to learn English funny with Miss Vinni’ and I constributed its to many students in my society, the caustion I got an appreciated by Government of Pematangsiantar. And the government gave to me a fee to do a research about ‘How to improve mood in students to learn creatively’, and it has finished. After graduating from University of HKBP Nommensen, I worked as a teacher in Mickey Mouse Internationally School, and also I created a private class at my home also a English course that has two branches in Pematangsiantar town. 
Based on  my academic and professional accomplishments confirm that I will be a credit to the University of HKBP Nomensen as a student. With an exceptionally strong background in Educational exactly in English teacher on language knowledge, I will require minimum oversight and will be able to provide maximum output as far as exams and projects are concerned. Apart from relevant education and internship, I acted as a student leader while in college, and volunteered in other activities including working as a giver free learning english  activist. 
Furthermore, I am aware of the entrance examination procedures and have prepared well for it, anticipating that the process will be based on past entrance exams. All required documents, including previous transcripts, project outlines and reference letters from instructors at college and supervisor at Government on Pematangsiantar are enclosed with this letter. If there are any other documents or information that you need in order to process my request for admission to your university, please feel free to contact me at +628 1266 7777.

Vinni Triyani Purba

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